Archive for Friday, November 12, 2010

Firefox 4 Beta 7 Released

Posted: Friday, November 12, 2010 by El Guru in Firefox, Fx 4.0, Mozilla News, Releases

After much delay, Mozilla has released the seventh beta for Firefox 4.0 on November 10th. This is a regular beta release and is being made available for testing purposes only.

New stuff in this Beta 7 release:

  • Uses JägerMonkey, a new, faster JavaScript engine
  • WebGL is enabled by default on Windows and Mac OS X. WebGL support requires an OpenGL-capable graphics card. Support for other graphics cards on Windows (specifically Intel GPUs) and Linux will be coming in a future beta
  • Certain rendering operations are now hardware-accelerated using Direct3D 9 on Windows XP, Direct3D 10 on Windows Vista and 7, and OpenGL on Mac OS X
  • Improved web typography using OpenType with support for ligatures, kerning and font variants
  • HTML5 Forms API makes web based forms easier to implement and validate

For more info see the release notes for Firefox 4 Beta 7. The next planned release is the Beta 8 release due at the end of the month.