Fx/TBird Update

Posted: Monday, June 30, 2008 by El Guru in Firefox, Fx 1.5, Fx 2.0, Fx 3.0, Mozilla News, Thunderbird

Today’s Weekly Update Meeting had a lot of news about the upcoming Firefox and TBird releases for next month. First off, Firefox is still on schedule to be released tomorrow (July 1st) around 3:00 PM PDT/6:00 PM EDT.  Now, in two weeks (July 15th) there will be yet another Firefox 2.0.0.X branch release.  This time around is Firefox Really don’t have details as to what is being included in the release just know the code freeze is tomorrow. TBird was planned to come out about a week or two after the Firefox release, but has now been officially scrapped. The next release is now going to be TBird also going into code freeze tomorrow and scheduled (tentative) for release on July 24th.

There is also the possibility that the first Firefox 3 update (3.0.1) could be released at the same time as Firefox I haven’t been able to confirm this yet, but it is possible. When Firefox 1.5.0.X was still supported, it was not unusual to have both a release on the 1.5.0.X and 2.0.0.X branches pushed out at the same time. I’ll post more information as I get it or at least include it in the weekly Release Recap posts on Sunday evenings.

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